
Welcome to my personal website.


Short introduction.

Here you will find all sorts of things about me. This place is meant to be as friendly as possible, free of any copyright and with usefull stuff I do or I did!


If you find any error or issue in the pages, or have any idea for improvements or things I am missing, please feel very free to contact me or directly open an issue!

Places one might want to explore.

If you want more information about me, click here.
In the future, I would like to take the time to post stuff here.

add new scores let scores = open raw.txt | split row "amtoine — " | where not ($it | is-empty) | each { str trim | lines } | each {|it| let date = $it.0 | into datetime $it | skip 1 | each {{ date: $date, score: ($in | into int) }} } | flatten open content/posts/my-mario-kart-8-deluxe-adventure/scores.nuon | append $scores | save --force content/posts/my-mario-kart-8-deluxe-adventure/scores.nuon setup python virtualenv .venv overlay use .
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